Mpox Disease Intervention Series

The goal of this training is to prepare staff of local health departments to perform effective disease intervention (DI) interviews for mpox. This training aims to build on disease intervention skills by applying knowledge of the complexities and nuances specifically related to mpox DI interviews.

Learning Objectives
By the end of these trainings, you should be able to:

  1. Communicate accurate information about mpox symptoms, transmission, prevention, treatment, and services.
  2. Gain awareness of the lived experiences of gay, bi, other men who have sex with men (MSM), including transgender men, and other trans people as it relates to mpox.
  3. Understand a sex-positive, person-centered approach to taking a sexual history for mpox.
  4. Use motivational interviewing and health coaching tools to support clients in seeking vaccination, screening, or treatment for mpox.
  5. Examine personal and structural biases to reduce stigma during mpox interviews.

Let’s Talk About Doxy-PEP

What, how, and why to talk to your clients about Doxy-PEP.

Monkeypox Frequently Asked Questions

Mpox Frequently Asked Questions

Excellent FAQs and resources from Building Healthy Online Communities on the latest in mpox (formerly known as monkeypox) prevention, transmission, symptoms, and treatment. Updated regularly.

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Many clients in prevention and care settings would like to tell others of their status regarding HIV/STI or other health conditions. By self-disclosing, clients may hope to gain support or offer potentially exposed partners an opportunity to access important services.

Our blended learning course, Supporting Self-Disclosure of a Health Condition, is designed to assist prevention and care providers in supporting their patients to self-disclose to their sexual and/or substance injecting partners.

Nurse with a female patient. The patient is smiling with her hand over he heart.

Blended Learning Modules


Part 1: Online Self-Disclosure Course

The online course introduces disclosure concepts using a four-step model that can be used by providers when engaging in discussions around self-notification with their clients.


Part 2. Skills Practice

The skills-based training offers the opportunity to put those steps into practice. Attendees learn about benefits and barriers to disclosure and how best to coach and practice with a client to help ensure a successful disclosure.

The online training is a prerequisite to the skills-based learning.
Upcoming trainings to be announced. If you are interested in this, please contact us at

Introduction to Public Health Detailing

CDC Train’s Introduction to Public Health Detailing course educates and informs DIS on how to perform comprehensive, high-quality public health detailing to medical and healthcare professionals.

Introduction to Telephone Interviewing for DIS

CDC Train's Introduction to Telephone Interviewing for DIS course will introduce partner services providers (i.e., DIS) to the basic principles and best practices for conducting telephone interviews

Learn more and register

Introduction to Trauma Informed Care for DIS

CDC Train's Introduction to Trauma-Informed Care for DIS course is designed to introduce Disease Intervention Specialists (DIS) to the principles and strategies of trauma-informed care, so they are equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to support clients who have experienced trauma.

Learn more and register

Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity

CDC Train's Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity course is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to provide inclusive and affirming services to your patients.

Learn more and register

STD/HIV Partner Services Interview Demonstration

This video provides an example of a mock partner services interview with a syphilis client. HIV prevention is also addressed extensively during the interview.

Learn more and register

Partner Services

CDC Train’s Passport to Partner Services online modules are for providers who conduct all aspects of Partner Services (PS), and they are designed for PS professionals of all experience levels.

Learn more and register