Primary Syphilis Patient Evaluation Algorithm

Primary Syphilis Patient Evaluation Algorithm

Algorithm to assist in evaluating patients for primary syphilis.

various microscopic images of pathogens

STD Expert Hour Webinar – Genital Herpes

April 10, 2018

Dr. Kim Erlich covers the following learning objectives for this webinar:

  1. Describe common and unusual clinical features seen in patients with genital herpes, to improve diagnosis and management
  2. Discuss effective counseling strategies, to aid in reducing herpes transmission
  3. Describe current and future treatment options, to control symptoms, reduce outbreaks, and help prevent herpes transmission

STD Expert Hour Webinar – Antibiotic Resistant Gonorrhea

January 31, 2018

Dr. Sarah Lewis covers the following learning objectives for this webinar:

  1. Describe current recommendations for prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment, and management of antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea for the general population as well as different populations (including youth, pregnant women, gay men, and HIV-infected clients), to ensure infections are diagnosed and treated
  2. Summarize issues related to the development of antibiotic resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae, to ensure appropriate treatment and follow-up testing

Clinical STD Quality Improvement Tools

Clinical STD Quality Improvement Tools

Click the resources below to download and edit!

Confidentiality Poster
Hang this in exam rooms to let adolescents know about their confidentiality rights. (click to download an editable version)
Parent/Guardian Letter
Hand this letter out to parents/guardians to let them know what to expect at an adolescent well visit. (click to download an editable version)
Medical Assistant Script for Universal Alone Time
Use this script to train Medical Assistants and/or other clinic staff on how to explain universal alone time. (click to download an editable version)
“Parent-ectomy” Protocol
Use this protocol to train staff on how to escort the parent/guardian to the waiting room for universal alone time with adolescents. (click to download an editable version)
Adolescent Alone Time Policy Letter
Hand this out to adolescents to let them know what to expect during their well check. (click to download an editable version)
Teen Patient Warm Hand-Off Sheet
Use this sheet to do a quick screening with teens before they get to the provider (completed by an MA, intake nurse, etc.). (click to download an editable version)


Quick Start Guide/Remider Card

Edit this reminder card to reflect your chlamydia screening clinic flow and remind providers about doing a HEADSSS assessment. (click to download an editable version)

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CDC Genital Herpes Fact Sheet

CDC Genital Herpes Fact Sheet

Basic and detailed patient-facing fact sheets about prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of genital herpes.

CDC logo

CDC Syphilis Fact Sheet

CDC Syphilis Fact Sheet

Basic and detailed patient-facing fact sheets about prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of syphilis, including congenital syphilis.

CDC logo

California Guidelines for Suspected Gonorrhea Treatment Failure

California Guidelines for Suspected Gonorrhea Treatment Failure

Discusses treatment of uncomplicated gonorrhea and what clinicians should do in cases of potential treatment failures.

California Department of Public Health Logo

Use of Treponemal Immunoassays for Screening and Diagnosis of Syphilis

Use of Treponemal Immunoassays for Screening and Diagnosis of Syphilis

Guidance for medical providers and laboratories in California. Includes laboratory procedures and reporting, results interpretation, congenital syphilis, integration of HIV and other STI testing, partner management, serologic follow-up, public health reporting, and clinical consultation options. 

CDPH Best Practices and Early Detection of Repeat Chlamydial and Gonococcal Infections

CDPH Best Practices and Early Detection of Repeat Chlamydial and Gonococcal Infections

This document summarizes best practice implementation strategies that may improve partner treatment, management, and retesting, reducing missed opportunities. 

California Department of Public Health Logo

Sex Positivity in Sexual Health

Sex Positivity in Sexual Health

In Dr. Ina Park’s new book, Strange Bedfellows, she helps readers understand the broad impact of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), while removing the unfair stigma. She speaks with us about the writing process, tackling sex ed with her own kids, and how stigma impacts mental and physical health.
