Traditional Syphilis Serologic Screening Algorithm

Traditional Syphilis Serologic Screening Algorithm

Providing an overview of traditional and reverse sequence syphilis screening algorithms.

HIV Guideline Slides and Pocket Guides

HIV Guideline Slides and Pocket Guides

This website offers a variety of pocket guides with guidelines, key points, and checklists for topics such as HIV Testing & Acute HIV, Antiretroviral Therapy, Primary HIV Care, PrEP to Prevent HIV & Promote Sexual Health, Hepatitis Care, and STI Care.

GOALS Framework for Sexual History Taking in Primary Care – Pocket Guide

GOALS Framework for Sexual History Taking in Primary Care – Pocket Guide

The GOALS framework for sexual history taking is designed to streamline sexual history conversations and elicit information most useful for identifying an appropriate clinical course of action.


NIH Chart of ‘Commonly Abused Drugs’

NIH Chart of ‘Commonly Abused Drugs’

A chart of commonly used substances including descriptions, names, possible health effects, and treatment options.

PrEP to Prevent HIV and Promote Sexual Health

PrEP to Prevent HIV and Promote Sexual Health

This guideline provides clinicians throughout New York State with the recommendations needed to successfully start and continue patients on PrEP.


Clinical Guidelines Program

Clinical Guidelines Program

The Clinical Guidelines Program is a collaborative effort of the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) AIDS Institute, Office of the Medical Director (OMD), and the Johns Hopkins University (JHU) School of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases.

They aim to produce and disseminate evidence-based, state-of-the-art clinical practice guidelines that establish uniform standards of care for practitioners who provide prevention or treatment of HIV, viral hepatitis, other sexually transmitted infections, and substance use disorders for adults throughout New York State in the wide array of settings in which those services are delivered.


Three Steps for Talking With Patients About Substance Use Disorder

Three Steps for Talking With Patients About Substance Use Disorder

When a patient with a substance use disorder comes in for a visit, talking to them about treating their addiction in a way that avoids the stigma that surrounds these disorders can be difficult. Learn how one physician approaches this conversation during her addiction consultations with patients.

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How to Talk About Substance Use Disorders with Your Patients

How to Talk About Substance Use Disorders with Your Patients

This article discusses how one physician in San Francisco approaches the conversation around preventing and treating substance use disorder with his patients while avoiding stigma in the process.

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Sustaining Improved Outcomes: A Toolkit

Sustaining Improved Outcomes: A Toolkit

This article discusses how one physician in San Francisco approaches the conversation around preventing and treating substance use disorder with his patients while avoiding stigma in the process.

ACOG Adolescent Visit Questionnaire

ACOG Adolescent Visit Questionnaire

This is an example of a questionnaire template that can be used to provide adolescents an opportunity to self-report about their health and risks.

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