STI Expert Hour Webinar – Navigating the Bicillin L-A Shortage: A Conversation with PharmD Dr. Kathy Yang

STI Expert Hour Webinar – Navigating the Bicillin L-A Shortage: A Conversation with PharmD Dr. Kathy Yang

January 31, 2024

12:00PM-1:15PM (PST)

1.25 CME units at no cost

Please note: No CME available for viewing the webinar recording.

Learning Objectives

  • List at least 2 factors contributing to ongoing Bicillin L-A shortages
  • Describe a framework for prioritizing Bicillin L-A when supplies are limited
  • Name potential alternative treatments for syphilis in non-pregnant people
  • Develop a decision-making process for the treatment of syphilis when standard guidelines cannot be followed or when data is insufficient.

Meet Our Expert: Kathy Yang, PharmD, MPH

Dr. Yang is a Health Sciences Clinical Professor in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy and the Co-Vice Dean of Clinical Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of California, San Francisco School of Pharmacy. She is also an Infectious Diseases Clinical Pharmacist in the UCSF Medical Center. Dr. Yang specializes in pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic optimization of the treatment of multi-drug resistant infections, particularly gram-negative bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa. For the past 3 years, Dr. Yang has focused her efforts on the clinical management of COVID-19.

Congenital Syphilis Hotline Pilot

California Clinicians:

Do you have an URGENT congenital syphilis case and need SAME DAY expert consultation?

January 1 – March 31, 2024

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2023 Hawai’i STI Clinical Update

October 17, 2023


Honolulu, HI / Virtual

1-day in-person and virtual training covering the following topics:

  • Syphilis in Pregnancy
  • Congenital Syphilis
  • Gonorrhea (GC)/Chlamydia (CT), including extragenital testing
  • Doxycycline Post-exposure prophylaxis (doxy-PEP), Expedited Partner Therapy (EPT)
  • Dermatologic manifestations of STIs – Urethritis/Vaginitis (including syndromic management)
  • Sexual assault and STIs

Presented by:

  • Kelly Johnson, MD,MPH, Medical Director, California Prevention Training Center
  • Tamara Ooms, RN, MSN, FNP, Program Manager, California Prevention Training Center
  • Rosalyn Plotzker, MD, MPH, Clinical Faculty, California Prevention Training Center
  • Alan Katz, MD, MPH, Staff Physician, Hawai’i State Department of Health
  • Moderator: Breena Gaskov, BS, Outreach Epidemiological Specialist, Hawai’i State Department of Health

Learning Objectives

  • Explain prenatal syphilis screening and treatment recommendations
  • Describe the clinical and public health approaches to GC/CT prevention
  • Summarize data from recent studies exploring the use of doxy PEP to prevent bacterial STIs
  • Compare potential strategies for doxy-PEP implementation in clinical settings
  • Recognize dermatologic signs of sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  • Delineate treatment approaches for syndromes suggestive of STIs

How to Prescribe Expedited Partner Therapy (EPT) for Sexually Transmitted Infections 

How to Prescribe Expedited Partner Therapy (EPT) for Sexually Transmitted Infections 

Expedited Partner Therapy (EPT) is the clinical practice of treating sex partners of patients diagnosed with certain sexually transmitted infections (STIs) – including chlamydia (CT), gonorrhea (GC), and trichomoniasis – without the health care provider first examining the partner(s). EPT usually involves patient delivered partner therapy (PDPT), in which the patient delivers the medication or a prescription to their partner(s). While evaluating the partner and providing other needed health services would be ideal, this is often not feasible. EPT can be provided confidentially; it is effective, safe, acceptable to patients and partners, and helps to ensure timely partner treatment.

This resource contains information on how to prescribe EPT in California, including sample prescriptions, information on billing/reimbursement, and patient-facing materials.

For more information on EPT and why it should be prescribed, see “Expedited Partner Therapy (EPT) for Sexually Transmitted Infections: A Resource for California Health Care Providers – What is EPT and Why Should I Prescribe It?”

PDF Icon

Examination and Interpretation of Wet Preparations of Vaginal Specimens

  • In-person laboratory course onsite at the UC San Francisco campus
  • Intended for practicing clinicians with prior wet mount experience and microscopy skills
  • Capacity limited to 8 persons

The course begins with a fifteen minute didactic presentation on applicable issues of CLIA regulation, quality control, and interpretation vaginal wet mount (VWM) for common causes of vaginitis. This will be followed by a fifteen minute video that details through the microscope footage of findings on VWM including trichomads, yeast and clue cells associated with BV. The remaining two and one-half hours consists of experiential training, including laboratory practicum on examination of saline and KOH vaginal wet mounts (VWM). During this portion of the training, participants will have an opportunity for group discussion, explanation, and demonstration, as well as practice and return demonstration.

Learning Objectives

  • Practice proper preparation of saline and KOH specimens of vaginal fluid to increase viability of specimens for microscopic evaluation.
  • Perform proper use of the light microscope to improve examination of saline and KOH wet mount specimens.
  • Assess wet mount microscopy specimens to appropriately interpret findings that support diagnosis of vulvovaginal candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniaisis.

STI Clinical Update Webinar: California Mpox Update for Healthcare Providers – October 2023

Thursday, October 26, 2023
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM (PDT)

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) continues to see statewide Mpox activity, including a large cluster in Los Angeles County. This webinar, presented by the California Prevention Training Center (CAPTC), features CDPH’s Mpox Clinical and Epidemiology teams, who will provide a clinical update and epidemiological overview of Mpox, and discuss new research findings relevant to primary care and other healthcare providers, including data on transmission, vaccine equity, and vaccine effectiveness. A question-and-answer session will follow.

Presented by:

Kayla Saadeh, MPH
Mpox Epidemiology Unit Lead
California Department of Public Health

Jessica Watson, MD, MPH
Mpox Public Health Medical Officer and Acting Clinical Lead
California Department of Public Health

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the clinical and epidemiological factors leading to Mpox infection, transmission, and severity as well as treatment options. 
  • Apply the latest information and research on Mpox, including transmission characteristics, vaccine equity, and vaccine effectiveness, to your clinical practice to ensure patients are appropriately vaccinated, diagnosed, tested, and treated for Mpox.

Please note: CME not available for viewing the webinar recording.

Let’s Talk About Doxy-PEP

What, how, and why to talk to your clients about Doxy-PEP.

STI Clinical Update Webinar: #EverythingChlamydia

Monday, July 31, 2023 from 12:00PM-1:15PM (PDT)

Presented by Drs. Kurtis Mohr and Rosalyn Plotzker

Registration for CME purposes closes three days before the webinar. After that time, you will be able to join the webinar, but you will not be able to get CME.

Chlamydia is an STI that can manage to damage our body in oh so many places. Watch this webinar to learn Everything about this “cloaked” assailant: from stats & numbers, to pathophys’, fevers, chills, and burning whiz! Plus screening, treatment & prevention, of course!

Learning Objectives

  • Recognize the different sequelae of sexually transmitted C. trachomatis and their recommended treatments
  • Know the recommended screening strategies C. trachomatis

Meet our Experts

Kurtis Mohr, MD, AAHIVM
Dr. Mohr is a Family Medicine trained physician and recent 2022 graduate from Kaiser Permanente’s HIV Fellowship Program. He joined the California Department of Public Health in November 2022 as a Public Health Medical Officer in the STD Control Branch. His work focuses on preventative measures such as DoxyPEP and Hepatitis B & C screening outreach, along with Disseminated Gonococcal Infection (DGI) investigations.

Rosalyn Plotzker, MD, MPH
Dr. Plotzker is an Assistant Professor in the UCSF Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. She completed a Fellowship in Sexually Transmitted Diseases with the CAPTC and CDPH. She serves as a Public Health Medical Officer in the STD Control Branch at CDPH.

National STD Curriculum

A free educational website from the University of Washington STD Prevention Training Center.

Syphilis Treatment Intervals in Non-Pregnant Patients: A Clinical Resource for Providers

What are appropriate treatment intervals for late latent syphilis or syphilis of unknown duration in non-pregnant people?

Prepared by the STD Control Branch, California Department of Public Health and California Prevention Training Center. Revised February 2023.