Social Media Content Toolkit

Social Media Content Toolkit


Welcome to the Social Media Content Toolkit. This toolkit will walk you through three competency areas to help you create more relevant and consistent social media content. As an HIV prevention program funded to use social media for program promotion and recruitment, this toolkit will help you relate and build rapport with your audience. The Social Media Content Toolkit is a product of the Capacity Building Assistance (CBA) program at California Prevention Training Center (CAPTC). The resources and tools within were vetted by the CAPTC CBA team and our Subject Matter Expert at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) HIV Prevention Capacity Development Branch.

Purpose and Goal

The purpose of the Social Media Content Toolkit is to provide HIV prevention program managers and outreach staff in the West geographic region of the United States with resources and tools for creating more relevant and consistent social media content for their prioritized audience. The goal of this toolkit is to develop more relevant and consistent social media content and begin to increase online engagement and brand awareness.


By the end of the Social Media Content Toolkit, you will be able to:

  • Define your prioritized audience through audience research.
  • Create a persona to represent your audience.
  • Create a persona to represent your brand’s personality.
  • Define your brand voice for social media.
  • Describe the difference between sales and marketing content.
  • Apply the “80/20 Rule” to five social media posts.

How to Use

The toolkit features three competency areas with three processing questions in each area. We have included an order for navigation. We recommend you proceed in order as it follows a sequential process. It is also recommended that at least two people on your team review the toolkit and discuss the processing questions to apply the tools wherein.

Toolkit Competency Areas

Prioritized Audience


After completing this competency area, you will be able to:

  • Define your prioritized audience through audience research.
  • Create a persona to represent your audience.

Estimated time to complete: 6-8 weeks.

This competency will walk you through how to conduct audience research to define your prioritized audience and how to create a persona to represent your audience.

A prioritized audience, also known as an audience or a target audience, is the specific group of consumers most likely to want or need your product or service, and therefore, are the group of people who should see your ad campaigns (1). A prioritized audience can be determined by age, gender, income, location, interests or a variety of other factors (1). Additionally, a prioritized audience for public health programs can be determined by considering factors related to certain health conditions or concerns. For your program, your prioritized audience is your priority population.

Audience research establishes the size, composition, and characteristics of a group of individuals who are, or could be, potential customers (2). This is an opportunity to gain insight on how your ideal consumers think, act and live their lives, thus enhancing the quality of your social media content and campaigns. It also helps you understand your audience’s pain points; specific problems your prospective consumers are experiencing (3). This will help determine how best to position your services in your marketing to address your ideal consumers’ pain points.

There are three types of data to gather (2):

Demographic Data
Demographic data is commonly collected data that describes your audience. This is information your program should already have: age, gender, location, profession, marital status, and education as well as their sexual health factors. This will help you get an initial look and peel back the first layer of understanding your prioritized audience.

Psychographic Data
Psychographic data looks at how your audience thinks, feels and believes about specific topics. This data uncovers the more nuanced and complex aspects of your prioritized audience, such as their needs, interests and values. This data will also uncover their pain points as well as their beliefs, fears, life goals, and aspirations.

Behavioral Data
Behavioral data explains behaviors related to specific topics. This data will uncover how they use your services and those of similar programs, how they navigate your social media and website, and how they behave online. This will give you a better understanding of their behavior as a potential consumer. You will also want to learn who and where the audience turns to for information. This will give insight into the sources that are influencing their thinking and behavior.


You want to have a good understanding of the prioritized audience’s demographics, psychographics, and behaviors as each of these areas will provide insight that will help enhance your content. It could take about 6-7 weeks to gather and analyze the data (4). However, this could take less or more time depending on the project and level of complexity. Existing staff can collect data with members of the prioritized audience, or, if resources and the opportunity permit, interns or consultants can conduct the research. Research can also be conducted by inter-weaving data collection into existing activities.

Program staff can:

  • Arrange a focus group session during a Community Advisory Board meeting.
  • Develop and administer a survey to clients who represent your audience.
  • Directly ask questions to members of your audience during street outreach.
  • Have discussions with gatekeepers and influencers to learn about your audience.
  • Review social media groups and pages where your audience frequents.

As you plan to gather information, there is a helpful resource to review. This resource is a short video clip from Lee Frederiksen from Hinge (5). In this video, Lee reviews three strategies for researching target audiences. After you watch the video, discuss the processing questions with your team.

Processing Questions:

  1. Which persons on your team will oversee the data collection process?
  2. What external and internal resources can you leverage to help your team collect the data?
  3. How might you apply the strategies and resources described in this section to gather insights from your prioritized audience?

After you collect your data, the next step is to use the information to create an audience persona. An audience persona, also known as a buyer’s persona, is a detailed description of someone who represents your audience (6). This persona is fictional but based on deep data of your existing or desired audience (6). A persona will help you craft messages tailored directly to your audience. To create an audience persona, open and download our fillable Audience Persona Template and review the step-by-step guide and examples from Stacey McLachlan of Hootsuite. Pretend you are creating a social media profile for a real person with an “About Me” statement.

Once you develop your audience persona, proceed to the next competency area.


Brand Persona and Voice


After completing this competency area, you will be able to:

  • Create a persona to represent your brand’s personality.
  • Define your brand voice for social media.

Estimated Time to Complete: 2-4 weeks.

Now that you have defined your prioritized audience and created an audience persona, it is time to develop a persona for your brand and define your brand voice for social media.

Brand voice refers to the way a brand portrays itself through words. It is the linguistics that conveys the personality of a brand (7). A brand is the identity and story of a company that makes it stand out from competitors that sell similar products or services (8). Every business has a brand with a unique personality and voice. A well-defined brand voice helps ensure consistency in your messaging and language, builds a relationship with your audience, and avoids common missteps, such as inconsistent tone or misrepresenting language (7).

Christina Newberry of Hootsuite offers the following steps and recommendations to build a compelling brand voice:

Research Your Audience
You completed this step in the first competency. However, the goal here is to know what your audience thinks about your services and those of other prevention programs. You also want to know where and how they communicate online. This will help create the right messaging for your prioritized audience on the appropriate networks.

Define Your Mission
This is where you define the mission of your brand. This is the purpose of your program. After you have defined your mission, think of how you can leverage it to relate to your audience on social media. Consider how your mission and services can address your audience’s pain points. This insight will help identify traits, specific words and phrases, to shape your brand’s personality.

Describe Your Brand’s Personality
This is where you will create a persona representing your brand. Based on your mission and how your services will benefit the audience, list five traits that describe your brand. The traits can be standalone words like funny, wise, supportive, or they could be contrasting words like wise but inquisitive. Like your audience persona, your brand persona will have a name, demographics and a description. It is recommended to align your brand persona to your audience persona (7). It does not have to be apples to apples, but it needs to have attributes your audience will respect, like, and trust.

You can either create an invented persona, like a fictional character, or a real persona, like a celebrity or someone you know, to represent your brand. ThoughtForm states that an invented persona can be suited to fit your brand perfectly. However, with a real persona you do not have to work as hard to define the person and their style (9).

Define Your Brand Voice
Based on your brand persona, identify specific words and phrases that your program will use and avoid. Specify language to describe your services, team, and organization. This is where you can get incredibly detailed and granular. For example, if one of your traits is “supportive”, your program may use words and phrases like “encourage” and “we got your back”, while avoiding words and phrases that could come across to the audience as discouraging and antagonistic. Include a list of branded hashtags. There is no set amount or limit to words, phrases, and hashtags you can list.

Allow nuance between platforms. It is recommended that you use the social media platform that aligns best with your audience (10). This is information you should have from the behavioral data collected. Please click here for more information on the best social media platforms for businesses. Depending on the platforms you are using to reach your prioritized audience, allow room to adjust certain aspects of your brand voice across channels. Where your brand’s personality and voice need to be consistent, there should be slight adjustments to adapt your voice to the platform you are using.

Christina Newberry offers this example: It would be weird to use the same words in a blog post, a Tweet, and an Instagram Reel. The language of one does not make sense for the other. But the Tweet and the Reel should be recognizable as coming from the same brand.

Test and tweak your brand’s personality and voice. Like a human’s personality and voice, your brand’s personality and voice will change. As new information emerges from your social media analytics and you determine which messages are and are not working, particularly language trends that are effective with your prioritized audience, make necessary adjustments to your brand’s personality and voice.


It is also recommended that you develop a style guide that will encompass specifics on brand voice, logos, font types, sizes, and color schemes for all digital media. A style guide will ensure consistency among everyone marketing and representing your brand to your audience. The estimated time to create a style guide varies based on complexity. Take a moment to check out examples of brand voices presented in this article from Hootsuite.

Discuss the processing questions below with your team to create your brand persona and define your brand voice. You can open and download our fillable Brand Persona Template here.

Processing Questions:

  1. What does the audience think about your services and the services of other prevention programs in your community? What can you offer to make your audience’s life easier, better, and more enjoyable? How can your services stand out?
  2. Based on your response to the previous questions, what are five traits that describe your brand’s personality? If your brand were a person, whether invented or real, who would it be? What would be their name, demographics, and description of their traits in relation to your prioritized audience? Use the brand persona template to address this question.
  3. Based on your brand persona, what specific words and phrases will you use and avoid to convey your brand’s personality on social media?

After you develop your brand persona and brand voice, proceed to the next competency area.

Social Media Content


After completing this competency area, you will be able to:

  • Describe the difference between sales and marketing content.
  • Apply the “80/20 Rule” to five social media posts.

Estimated Time to Complete: 1-2 days.

Now that you have your personas and a defined brand voice, it is time to use them to create more relevant and consistent social media content. In this competency area, you will learn the difference between sales and marketing content and apply the “80/20 Rule”. This is where your brand persona will use its voice to initiate online conversations with your audience persona largely based on topics the audience persona prefers.

For HIV prevention programs, the purpose of using social media is to promote program activities and engage individuals for testing and prevention services. With this purpose, your program may primarily post content about the importance of HIV prevention strategies and your outreach activities. Where this is critical to share, your program also needs to leverage other content and messages to better reach and engage your prioritized audience.

There are two types of content used by brands on social media:

Sales Content
Sales content is about convincing people that you are the best brand to work with, your products and services are right, and your team is a good fit (11). For HIV prevention programs, sales content would be the type of posts that aim to convince your prioritized audience to test with your agency, sign-up for your program, and work with your team as these posts promote who you are and the services you offer.

Marketing Content
Marketing content is about engaging your prioritized audience (11). This is the type of content that your audience loves and shares as it reflects the demographic, psychographic and behavioral information gleaned from your data collection. You can use this as an opportunity to create messages and content that mirrors the thoughts and interests of your audience persona, and you can articulate those messages through your unique brand voice that sets you apart.


To be successful in building rapport with the audience while meeting strategic goals, businesses, including HIV prevention programs, need to leverage both sales and marketing content. There is a ratioed balance to leveraging both. To help cultivate that balance, please watch this video from Jerry Potter of Five Minute Social Media on YouTube (12).

Now that you know the difference between sales and marketing content and the “80/20 Rule”, it is time to apply the rule by creating five posts for a social media platform. As stated in the previous competency, it is recommended that you use the social media platform that aligns best with your audience. For your posts, you will create four based on topics that will be relevant to your audience persona. This will be eighty percent of your posts. One post, the remaining twenty percent, will be promotional about your program. The tone you will use to deliver each post and convey your personality will be dictated by your brand persona. To further support how you write your posts, please take a moment to review this resource from Hootsuite. Discuss the processing questions below and use our downloadable, fillable Social Media Content Template to create your posts.

For strategies to increase engagement, please check out this guide from Hootsuite.

Processing Questions:

  1. What social media channel is your audience using the most? This will be the social media platform your program will use to deliver your posts and engage.
  2. Based on your audience persona, what topics will you use to create four marketing content posts? How will you linguistically convey your brand’s personality? What media, if any, will you use?
  3. What aspect of your HIV prevention program do you want to promote in your sales content post? How will you linguistically convey your brand’s personality? What media, if any, will you use?


Congratulations! You have successfully reached the end of the Social Media Content Toolkit. We hope you have gained new skills through these resources and tools to produce more relevant and consistent social media content. Successfully generating new clients from social media takes time and consistency. We encourage you to be patient and produce a steady stream of content. You can create ads and work with local and well-known influencers to reach your prioritized audience. However, time and consistency are the keys to success.

Technical Assistance

CAPTC offers free technical assistance to entities directly and indirectly funded through the CDC. If you and your team need social media technical assistance, please submit a request through the CBA Tracking System (CTS). If you are a directly funded agency, please check with your CDC project officer or submit a CTS request. If you are not directly funded by CDC, you can contact the CDC-funded health department in your jurisdiction to submit a CTS request.


The following is a list of references used to create the Social Media Content Toolkit. You are encouraged to visit these references to gain additional tools and information.

  1. Marketing Evolution. Steps to find your target audience. Published 2022 July 20. Cited 2023 Sept 27. Available from URL:
  2. Digital Marketing Institute. Audience research: Digital marketing – study notes. Cited 2023 Sept 27. Available from URL:
  3. Shewan, D. Word Stream. Pain points: A guide to finding and solving your customers’ problems. Last updated 2023 Dec 19. Cited 2023 Sept 27. Available from URL:
  4. Deka Insight. How long does it take to do marketing research. Cited 2023 Oct 10. Available from URL:
  5. Frederiksen, L. Hinge. 3 strategies for researching your target audiences. Published 2017 Nov 5. Cited 2023 Sept 28. Available from URL:
  6. McLachlan, S. Hootsuite Blog. How to create a buyer persona. Published 2021 Nov 9. Cited 2023 Oct 3. Available from URL:
  7. Newberry, C. Hootsuite Blog. How to build a strong brand voice on social media (and beyond). Published 2023 Jun 14. Cited 2023 Oct 3. Available from URL:
  8. Decker, A. HubSpot. What is branding? Understanding its importance in 2023. Published 2023 Mar 15. Updated 2023 Mar 15. Cited 2023 Oct 10. Available from URL:
  9. Thoughtform. How to use personas to develop your brand voice. Cited 2023 Oct 3. Available from URL:
  10. McLachlan, S., Newberry, C. Hootsuite Blog. Social media for business: A practical guide. Published 2023 Sept 7. Cited 2024 Jan 30. Available from URL:
  11. Ritchie, J. Column Five Media. What’s the real difference between sales and marketing content? Cited 2023 Oct 10. Available from URL:
  12. Potter, J. Five Minute Social Media. Why isn’t anyone clicking on my Facebook posts? Published 2017 Aug 16. Cited 2023 Oct 10. Available from URL:
  13. McLachlan, S. Hootsuite Blog. Ideal Length of social media posts: A guide for every platform. Published 2022 Aug 2. Cited 2023 Oct 10. Available from URL:
  14. Christison, C. Hootsuite Blog. How to increase social media engagement. Published 2023 Oct 16. Cited 2023 Oct 20. Available from URL:

West Region Social Media Directory

West Region Social Media Directory

Welcome to the West Region Social Media Directory!


The West Region Social Media Directory provides links to the social media accounts of HIV prevention programs in the West region of the United States.

To use the directory, click on the social media handles next to the corresponding prevention program to see how your peers are promoting HIV prevention online.

Request Peer-To-Peer Technical Assistance:

If you discover a program’s social media and would like to set up a peer-to-peer request as technical assistance (TA) to learn more about their campaign, please see below.

For organizations directly funded by CDC:

  • Check with your CDC Project Officer about your TA need.
  • Submit a CBA tracking systems (CTS) request. You can access CTS here.
  • Request peer-to-peer TA with the program you wish to meet.

For organizations not directly funded by CDC:

  • Contact your CDC-funded health department to submit a CTS request.
  • Ask to request peer-to-peer TA with the program you wish to meet.

Social Media Strategies Learning Collaborative Video Playlist

Social Media Strategies Learning Collaborative Video Playlist

Web marketing specialist using their phone and laptop to create engaging social media content.

Watch presentations and discussions from our Social Media Strategies Learning Collaborative.

The purpose of the learning collaborative was to highlight examples of social media strategies that successfully engaged communities into HIV prevention programs. Presenters and participants discussed ways to leverage dating apps, reach populations and educate communities about PrEP.

Watch the highlights on our YouTube page!

Social Determinants of Health and HIV

An understanding of social determinants is essential to the implementation of effective HIV treatment or prevention interventions. This engaging and informative one-hour online course, based on our popular two-day instructor-led training, provides an introduction to social determinants and HIV.

Learn more and register

Motivational Interviewing

These modules provides an overview of the rationale and evidence for using motivational interviewing to facilitate change with your clients. We hope that this overview will help and inspire you to communicate with your clients, patients, and communities in a more effective way.

Hiker offering their hand to their partner.

Discover the foundations (Part 1) and principles (Part 2) of motivational interviewing and learn how to apply these to your work with clients, inspiring and empowering them to thrive.

Part one: History and Spirit

Part two: Principles in Action

Family Planning

We provide technical assistance and training to family planning providers and promote comprehensive sexual health education and services for low-income Californians.

Bald woman smiling at the camera
Woman practicing using a speculum on a dummy pelvis

Family Planning, Access, Care, and Treatment Program (Family PACT)

CAPTC provides technical assistance and training to family planning providers in California. Our team has a key role in implementing California’s Family Planning Access Care and Treatment (Family PACT) Program. Family PACT is an innovative program that provides free, comprehensive family planning services to low-income individuals, including adolescents. Administered by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) Office of Family Planning (OFP), Family PACT has been operating since 1997.

CAPTC’s health educators and communicators provide a wide array of capacity building tools and technical assistance training to FPACT providers including orientations for providers new to the program, online courses, webinars, and a robust website with resources for both providers and clients.

Check out Family PACT’s website.

Learning Resources

Explore these and other online learning opportunities from the rest of the CAPTC’s programs in our Online Learning database.

Patient-Facing Resources and Fact Sheets

Birth Control Methods
Information on birth control methods and Family PACT coverage for current and prospective Family PACT clients.

STI Clinical Training

We support healthcare providers in the Western United States (AZ, CA, HI, NM, and NV) to promote health equity and improve clinical outcomes for those affected by sexually transmitted infections and HIV.

Opt-in to receive a periodic newsletter with mpox clinical updates and resources curated by the CAPTC.

2 instructors and 2 learners looking into microscopes

Upcoming Trainings

Ina, Alice, Sharon holding plush toys of viruses

Regional Training Center, National Network of STD Clinical Prevention (NNPTC)

Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), CAPTC supports healthcare providers in the western United States (AZ, CA, HI, NM, and NV) to promote health equity and improve clinical outcomes for those affected by sexually transmitted infections and HIV.

We provide in-person and virtual training events, technical assistance, clinical tools, and STI clinical consultation (via the STD Clinical Consultation Network) to support providers in addressing the rise of STIs in their communities. We focus on complex issues in patient care including evolving PrEP modalities, congenital syphilis management and prevention, and complications of gonorrhea and chlamydia. Our faculty consists of physicians and nurses who are subject matter experts in the field of sexual health with extensive academic, clinical, and public health experience in STI control and response.

The CAPTC Clinical Program has been funded for over 30 years by the CDC and is part of the National Network of STD Clinical Prevention Training Centers (NNPTC). CAPTC also has a long-standing partnership with the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) STD Control Branch to deliver training on STI diagnosis and treatment to California counties experiencing high rates of STIs. CDPH and CAPTC regularly collaborate on issuing statewide guidance related to STI screening and treatment, as well as creating co-branded job aids and educational materials for providers throughout the state.

CAPTC is also proud to collaborate with San Francisco City Clinic (SFCC), San Francisco’s preeminent municipal STI clinic, to offer observerships in sexual health care. Clinicians interested in arranging a shadowing experience at SFCC of up to 4 half-days (which could potentially be structured to 2 full days, depending on the learner’s needs) can contact us at to learn more.

Scaling Up HIV Prevention Services in STI Specialty Clinics

As a supplemental CDC-funded project, the CAPTC clinical team provides robust clinical training and technical assistance that supports STI specialty clinics to build capacity in biomedical HIV preventive services, such as PrEP, in the Western United States. The clinical team identified five STI clinics in high-morbidity areas serving key populations (including the Latinx community, African American men who have sex with men, women of reproductive age), conducted comprehensive clinic assessments to identify gaps and needs, and developed and implemented iterative trainings and technical assistance. We continue to provide targeted TA and training to the clinics with a particular focus on data systems, data-informed quality improvement, biomedical HIV service navigation and access (including injectable PrEP), and improvement of services for specific underserved populations.

Take a look at our PrEP page to learn about upcoming trainings and to access resources.

Sexual Health Education (SHE)

The Sexual Health Educator (SHE) Training Program is an online training for California educators working with youth in school, community, and clinical settings who desire to build their sexual health knowledge and education skills. Upon the successful completion of the program’s modules, participants will receive a certificate of completion. Both the required and elective modules include up-to-date information and research on a variety of priority sexual health topics.

This program was created by sexual health educators, trainers, and experts from the California Department of Public Health, STD Control Branch; the California Department of Education; the California Prevention Training Center; and other partner organizations.

Services Offered

Clinicians: Got a Tough STI Question?

We are a proud member of the STD Clinical Consultation Network (STDCCN) Opens in a new tab operated by the NNPTC.

This service is intended for licensed healthcare professionals and STI public health program staff. We do not provide direct medical care, treatment planning or medical treatment services to individuals.


STI Clinical Resources

Access the latest STI guidelines and best practices for STI management geared towards practicing physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and other health professionals caring for patients with or at risk for STIs.

Trainings and Resources

Below, explore trainings and resources from the clinical team. To view additional materials from other CAPTC programs, check out our trainings and resources.

Clinical STI Trainings and Resources

Capacity Building Assistance

We strengthen the HIV prevention workforce in the West region of the United States to end the HIV epidemic.

CAPTC provides technical assistance (TA) by assessing and responding to the strengths and needs of local, state, and national health agencies. We create tailored plans to build agencies’ capacity to best serve their diverse communities. We seek to address the root causes of health disparities fueling HIV/AIDS – like stigma, discrimination, transphobia, and structural racism. Our team facilitates opportunities for learners to work through their unconscious bias and internalized stigmas to create more equitable systems and provide more compassionate HIV care.

Our Capacity Building Assistance (CBA) Program

CAPTC’s CBA program provides capacity building to health organizations in the West region of the United States. We are funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to support the national Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) initiative. Our free (not for fee) CBA services and resources are available for CDC-funded health departments, CBOs, and their local partners seeking to optimally plan, integrate, implement, and sustain comprehensive HIV prevention programs and services. We provide a wide range of services tailored to staff and/or organizations’ specific needs:

  • Condom distribution
  • Data to care strategies (including pharmacy data to HIV care)
  • HIV/HCV transmission clusters and outbreak response
  • Integrated HIV prevention and care planning
  • Strategic communications around HIV prevention, treatment, and care
  • Partner services
  • Social determinants of health
  • Status neutral approaches
  • Syringe services programs

Technical assistance is structured around the four pillars of Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE): diagnose, treat, protect, and respond. The EHE initiative provides the hardest hit communities with the additional expertise, technology, and resources required to end the HIV epidemic.

High Impact Prevention with CAI

CAPTC partners with Cicatelli Associates Inc. (CAI) to deliver High Impact Prevention (HIP) strategies training throughout the country. Funded by the CDC, HIP strategies are a set of evidence-based interventions and approaches for preventing HIV transmission and reducing the burden of HIV/AIDS. HIP strategies include an effective combination of biomedical, behavioral, and structural interventions.

Called upon for our experience and expertise, we deliver high-quality training to build capacity and to support the implementation of HIP strategies. CAPTC staff facilitate evidence-based interventions and public health strategy sessions with health jurisdictions across the country.

Resources and Capacity Building Assistance

Explore these and other online learning opportunities from the rest of the CAPTC’s programs in our Online Learning database.

Training and Courses

Social Media Content Toolkit
Looking to post more engaging content and increase brand awareness online? Well, our Social Media Content Toolkit is for you and your team. Learn how a defined audience and a…

Training and Courses

West Region Social Media Directory
Check out our social media directory to discover what HIV prevention programs in the West region are doing to promote HIV prevention online. Learn how you can link your program’s…

Patient-Facing Resources and Fact Sheets

Mpox Frequently Asked Questions
Mpox Frequently Asked Questions Excellent FAQs and resources from Building Healthy Online Communities on the latest in mpox (formerly known as monkeypox) prevention, transmission, symptoms, and treatment. Updated regularly.

Training and Courses

Structural Interventions Institute
Recordings from a two-day institute aimed at improving knowledge of how structural interventions operate to address the environmental, social, and economic factors that influence individual risk and protective behaviors.

Job Aids

Community Engagement World Café
Community Engagement World Café When policies and programs designed to improve health outcomes are not driven by community interests, concerns, or needs, efforts remain disconnected from the people they intend…

Training and Courses

Deconstructing Organizational Transphobia
Deconstructing Organizational Transphobia Zami Hyemingway explores the negative impact of transphobia on clients who identify as transgender or non-binary persons when they access HIV care and prevention, services. Improve your…

Training and Courses

Structural Interventions Institute: Community Engagement
Structural Interventions Institute: Community Engagement Community engagement is essential in developing and implementing structural interventions. Duran Rutledge briefly discusses the importance of gaining community buy-in for interventions, highlighting the “wisdom…

Moving from Bias to Engagement Using Cultural Humility

Developing cultural humility involves understanding the impact that unconscious bias and medical mistrust and distrust have on client engagement.

Being able to recognize and address this can improve your relationships with clients.

Join California Prevention Training Center Capacity-Building Assistance Specialist Deborah Wyatt-O’Neal to learn how cultural humility and unconscious bias affect client engagement in care. Discover techniques to address biases and practice humility to better support clients and honor their humanity.

Utilize the player tools below to navigate through the course.

Addressing Social Determinants of Health Through Structural Interventions

On hold due to COVID-19. Will resume as soon as it is safe to do so.

The course demonstrates the intersectional link between HIV, Social Determinants of Health (SDH), and Structural Interventions (SIs). It provides a structured framework and necessary tools to address the SDH and structural barriers impacting the communities they serve.

The conditions in which people are born, live, learn, play and age greatly influence the health of individuals and communities. By critically examining the role of neighborhood conditions, education, income/wealth, and the socio-political climate, this training will strengthen participants’ understanding of the social determinants of health and their roles in shaping health outcomes of diverse populations.

Examples of programmatic, structural, and policy interventions will be discussed to illustrate how public health departments, advocates, and policymakers can effectively address HIV-related SDHand advance equity for populations and communities that have experienced persistent barriers to good health and high rates of HIV infections.

Request more information