Opt-Out ED Screening for HIV, HCV, and Syphilis—Dear Colleague Letter from CDPH

Opt-Out ED Screening for HIV, HCV, and Syphilis—Dear Colleague Letter from CDPH

March 28, 2022: Emergency departments (EDs) are uniquely positioned to identify people with syphilis, HIV, and hepatitis C who otherwise might remain undiagnosed. The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) recommends that EDs consider implementing routine opt-out testing for syphilis, HIV, and hepatitis C.

Identification and immediate treatment through the ED may have the added benefit of furthering health equity for those disproportionately affected by these infections

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STI Expert Hour Webinar: Addressing Systemic Racism in Sexual Health Settings

February 10, 2022

Presented by Leo Moore, MD, MSHPM

Social determinants of health grounded in racism may contribute to adverse sexual and reproductive health outcomes. This webinar will discuss some of the systemic and individual-level influences on the sexual health care experience that can result in medical mistrust. We will also discuss opportunities and provide evidence-based recommendations to promote health equity in sexual health care for patients from communities of color.

Learning objectives

  1. Describe two social determinants of health that may be affected by systemic racism.
  2. Discuss at least one intervention that can be implemented to improve health equity in sexual health care settings.

STI Expert Hour Webinar: Why the Dose Matters: PrEP Strategies for HIV

January 11, 2022

Presented by Katherine Yang, PharmD, MPH

Pre-Exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) has been shown to be safe and effective in reducing HIV infection. With recent updates in PrEP, many options are available, and selection of the best regimen is the key to success. The purpose of this webinar is to review the pharmacologic basis for drug dosing and outline gaps and challenges in management.

Learning objectives

  1. Review the key pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide, and cabotegravir.
  2. Identify patients who may be appropriate for Daily vs. Event-Driven PrEP.
  3. Review key side effects of PrEP and potential strategies for management.
  4. Describe the role of adherence on PrEP effectiveness.

STI Clinical Update Webinar: Congenital Syphilis Update for California Emergency Department Clinicians

December 14, 2021
Presented by Drs. Rosalyn Plotzker and Kristopher Lyon

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) continues to see dramatic statewide increases in congenital syphilis (CS), a severe yet preventable condition when syphilis is passed from mother to fetus. In California, many infants with CS are born to parents who received care in an emergency department (ED) during pregnancy, suggesting syphilis screening in EDs may offer an important opportunity to detect syphilis in pregnancy and prevent CS.

This webinar features Dr. Rosalyn Plotzker, CDPH public health medical officer and co-author of the CDPH Expanded Syphilis Screening Recommendations for the Prevention of Congenital Syphilis. She will provide a clinical overview of CS prevention and discuss the recommendation to confirm syphilis status for pregnant patients in the ED. In addition, Dr. Kristopher Lyon, Public Health Officer and EMS medical director in Kern County, California and emergency department associate medical director, will present on syphilis screening in EDs from an on-the-ground perspective.

Learning Objectives

  1. Describe California’s congenital syphilis epidemiology
  2. Discuss the pathophysiology and management of syphilis, including among pregnant patients
  3. Explain and apply the CDPH recommendation to confirm syphilis status among pregnant patients receiving care in emergency departments

2021 CDC STI Treatment Guidelines Update: What’s New

December 10, 2021

Presented by Drs. Sharon Adler and Kelly Johnson

Learn more about the 2021 CDC STI Treatment Guidelines. Updated every 4-5 years, CDC’s STI Treatment Guidelines provide current evidence-based diagnostic, management, and treatment recommendations, and serve as a source of clinical guidance for managing sexually transmitted infections (STIs). This webinar will cover 2021 changes.

Learning Objectives

  1. Learn about and become proficient with the treatment updates
  2. Discuss and be able to share the rationale for the updates
  3. Understand the changes needed and apply them to clinical practice

2021 PrEP Clinical Practice Guideline – Clinical Providers’ Supplement

2021 PrEP Clinical Practice Guideline – Clinical Providers’ Supplement

Updated Clinical Providers’ Supplement accompanying the 2021 PrEP Clinical Practice Guideline.

Updates for 2021 include:

  • Checklist updated to include Descovy, 2-1-1 Truvada for MSM, and cabotegravir
  • Added PrEP with intramuscular cabotegravir (CAB) injections (conditional on FDA approval) recommendation for HIV prevention in adults 
  • Added information about Descovy and cabotegravir to Patient Information Sheets
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2021 PrEP Clinical Practice Guideline

2021 PrEP Clinical Practice Guideline

Comprehensive information for the use of antiretroviral preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent acquiring HIV infection.

Updates for 2021 include:

  • A recommendation to inform all sexually active adults and adolescents about PrEP
  • PrEP with intramuscular cabotegravir (CAB) injections (conditional on FDA approval) is recommended for HIV prevention in adults reporting sexual behaviors that place them at substantial ongoing risk of HIV exposure and acquisition.

Also view the updated PrEP Providers Supplement for 2021.

Comprehensive information for the use of antiretroviral preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent acquiring HIV infection.

Updates for 2021 include:

  • A recommendation to inform all sexually active adults and adolescents about PrEP
  • PrEP with intramuscular cabotegravir (CAB) injections (conditional on FDA approval) is recommended for HIV prevention in adults reporting sexual behaviors that place them at substantial ongoing risk of HIV exposure and acquisition.

Also view the updated PrEP Providers Supplement for 2021.

California STI Treatment Guidelines Table for Adults and Adolescents—2021

California STI Treatment Guidelines Table for Adults and Adolescents—2021

These guidelines reflect the 2021 CDC STI Treatment Guidelines for adults and adolescents who are HIV negative as well as those with HIV.

View the online version of the guidelines

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Perinatal HIV and Congenital Syphilis—Dear Colleague Letter from CDPH

Perinatal HIV and Congenital Syphilis—Dear Colleague Letter from CDPH

November 16, 2021: CDPH is asking for assistance in responding to concerning increases in congenital syphilis and perinatal HIV in California. Perinatal HIV transmission and congenital syphilis can be prevented with timely testing and treatment. A common risk factor, however, is receiving late or no prenatal care.

CDPH requests your assistance to implement the following policies and best practices to Screen, Treat and Prevent, and Prepare for perinatal transmissions

California Department of Public Health Logo

STI Clinical Update Webinar: San Francisco Department of Public Health, San Francisco City Clinic

November 4, 2021

The San Francisco Department of Public Health continues to see concerning rises in sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

This half-day, virtual event provides important updates in the field of sexual health to help providers strengthen the delivery of STI prevention and care. Hear from local experts on STI epidemiology in San Francisco, important recommendations to prevent congenital syphilis, updates from the 2021 CDC STI Treatment Guidelines, and a lively case panel.

Learning Objectives

  1. Summarize current STI trends in San Francisco
  2. Identify and screen those most at risk for syphilis in San Francisco
  3. Describe updated treatment recommendations for chlamydia, gonorrhea, Mycoplasma genitalium, NGU, and trichomonas