Focus on Sexual Health Services for Latinx/Hispanic Communities: Session 2

Tuesday, February 25, 11am-12pm (PT).

Taking Sexual Histories and Risk Assessments in Spanish
This session will focus on everyday language used by clinicians and others in conversations with their Spanish-speaking clients and patients. This session will be in Spanish. Free CME/CNE will be offered.

Esta sesión se enfocará en el lenguaje cotidiano usado por médicos clínicos, y otros proveedores, durante conversaciones con clientes y pacientes hispanohablantes. Esta sesión se llevará a cabo en español. También se ofrecerán créditos CME/CNE gratuitamente.

This session is a collaboration with the Denver and New York City Prevention Centers.

Focus on Sexual Health Services for Latinx/Hispanic Communities: Session 1

Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 12:30-2:00pm PT

An Introduction to PrEP, PEP, and Doxy-PEP, and Navigation in Spanish
This workshop will introduce everyday terms used in PrEP, PEP, and doxy-PEP counseling in Spanish, through a basic review of these topics in Spanish. NOTE: This session is in Spanish.

Introducción a PrEP, PEP, y doxy-PEP, y el asesoramiento en español sobre ellos
Este taller introducirá términos cotidianos para asesorar a los pacientes de PrEP, PEP, y doxy-PEP en español, mediante un repaso básico de estos temas en el idioma.

Opt-Out Screening for STIs and HIV Job Aid

Opt-out screening is an approach where all patients are informed that HIV/STIs screening will be performed as part of routine medical care, unless the patient specifically declines. Included in the job aid are resources from various sources (including the CDC and CDPH), a workflow for a typical office visit, and guidelines for best practices.

Recent research has shown that opt-out guidelines increase screening rates and subsequent treatment for HIV and STIs (such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis). This method reduces stigma, improves health equity, and opens the door for more comprehensive care.

Rapid Syphilis Testing in Practice

Our panel of providers will discuss the benefits and challenges of using rapid syphilis testing, including the rapid HIV/syphilis point-of-care test and the newly approved over-the-counter at-home syphilis test.

Thursday, December 5, 12-1:30pm PT.

Slides, Hanft

Slides, Taylor

Slides, Morris

Slides, Decker

STI Expert Hour Webinar – Adolescent Sexual Health: Influences, Trends, and How Healthcare Providers can Support Adolescent Sexual Health and Wellbeing

December 3, 2024
11:30AM-1:00PM (PST)

Registration closes on December 2nd at 3:00PM (PST). Recording available 2 weeks after the webinar. CME not available for viewing the webinar recording.


Claudia Borzutzky, MD

Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, Keck School of Medicine at USC
Chief, Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles/Keck School of Medicine at USC
Medical Director for Adolescent Health, Planned Parenthood Los Angeles

Course Description

Sexuality is a normal part of healthy adolescent development, yet milestones of teens’ sexual development vary widely in terms of timing, cultural acceptance and how supported they are, and associated risks for adverse health outcomes. Dr. Claudia Borzutzky, an adolescent medicine specialist, will present an overview of:

  • the importance of confidential care for teens, both in primary care and sexual health settings
  • supporting adolescent sexual wellbeing
  • trends in use of contraception and condoms, teen pregnancy, and STIs among teens
  • the intersection of mental health, gender diversity, and the COVID epidemic with adolescent sexual health

Learning Objectives

  • Integrate understanding of adolescent consent and confidentiality laws in California in order to optimize your practice and lower barriers to care
  • Explain the difference between risk reduction and the promotion of well-being, in the context of adolescent sexual health
  • Describe teen-centered approaches to promotion of sexual well-being, and reducing rates of STIs and undesired pregnancy

November 2024 Oral PrEP Financing Update

November 2024 Oral PrEP Financing Update

November 15, 2024

Special guests: Ryan Wilder Blue, CAPTC and Brian Abascal, Pacific AIDS Education & Training Center.

PrEP Financing Update

Changes are coming to oral PrEP assistance programs in 2025. We’ll learn how PrEP navigators and providers are planning for these changes to ensure uninterrupted PrEP access for their clients and patients. This session is a collaboration between the California Prevention Training Center and the Pacific AIDS Education Training Center.

Friday, November 15, 11am-12pm PT.

STI Clinical Update Webinar – Syphilis in Pregnancy

November 20, 2024
12:00PM-1:15PM (PST)
1.25 CME units at no cost


Kathleen Jacobson, MD
Chief, STD Control Branch, California Department of Public Health

Wyatt Hanft, MD, MPH
STI Fellow, STD Control Branch, California Department of Public Health & California Prevention Training Center at UCSF

Course Description

Drs. Kathleen Jacobson and Wyatt Hanft will provide a 1-hour virtual training focused on syphilis clinical presentation, screening/testing, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up for pregnant patients. The presenters will use a case-based format to help attendees apply the learned material to a real-life scenario.

Learning Objectives

  • Review the epidemiology of syphilis and congenital syphilis (CS) in California
  • Apply the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) screening recommendations during pregnancy
  • Compare traditional and reverse screening algorithms for syphilis
  • Describe syphilis diagnosis, treatment and follow up during pregnancy

October Injectable PrEP Update

October Injectable PrEP Update

Special guests: Nick Sanders, Senior Prevention Program Manager, and Angela Mattingly, Clinical Pharmacist, at Damien Center (Indianapolis, IN).

Nick and Angela will talk about their injectable PrEP program (both in-person and telePrEP), including implementation, successes and challenges, and Indiana’s PrEP Assistance Program.

Thursday, October 17, 12-1pm PT

Presentation slides

October 2024 Injectable PrEP Update: Damien Center (Indianapolis, IN) Injectable PrEP Program

October 2024 Injectable PrEP Update: Damien Center (Indianapolis, IN) Injectable PrEP Program

October 17, 2024

Special Guests: Angela Mattingly (She/Her), PharmD, AAHIVP, Clinical Pharmacist & Nick Sanders (He/Him), BA, Senior Program Manager of Prevention Services

Slide Deck