West Region Social Media Directory
Welcome to the West Region Social Media Directory!

The West Region Social Media Directory provides links to the social media accounts of HIV prevention programs in the West region of the United States.
To use the directory, click on the social media handles next to the corresponding prevention program to see how your peers are promoting HIV prevention online.
Name of Program | Location | Social Media |
Clinicas De Salud Del Pueblo | Calexico, CA | innercare.org |
Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment | Denver, CO | Instagram CDPHE OSHV |
County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health, Division of HIV and STD Program, Ending the HIV Epidemic | Los Angeles County, CA | Instagram transinla |
End HIV Oregon | Portland, OR | Instagram EndHIVOregon |
HEART Program, Utah Department of Health and Human Services | Salt Lake City, UT | Instagram HisforHumanUT |
HeyDenver (A satellite office of Colorado Health Network) | Denver, CO | Facebook @HeyDenver Instagram heydenverorg Tik Tok @heydenverorg |
Harbor Community Health Centers | San Pedro, CA | Facebook @HarborCommunityClinic |
Los Angeles County Commission on HIV | Los Angeles, CA | Facebook @HIVComissionLA Instagram hivcommla Twitter/X @HIVComissionLA |
New Mexico Recovery Coalition | Silver City, NM | Facebook Community Page Facebook group @recoverynm |
New Mexico Harm Reduction Collaborative | Albuquerque, NM | Facebook @nmhrcorg Instagram nmhrc_ |
Pacific AIDS Education and Training Center (PAETC) | San Francisco, CA | paetc.org Facebook PacificAETC Linkedin pacific-aetc Twitter/X @Pacific_AETC |
San Ysidro Health CHIP Program | San Diego, CA | Instagram pump619 |
Teton County Health Department | Jackson, WY | Instagram Teton County Health |
TransLink Program | San Francisco, CA | Instagram sfcommunityhealth |
UCLA, Mobile Enhanced Prevention Support For People Leaving Jail | Los Angeles, CA | Facebook @kevin.meps Instagram @mepsprojectla |
If you are a West region HIV prevention program and would like to have your profiles linked in the directory, please submit your program’s details here:
Request Peer-To-Peer Technical Assistance:
If you discover a program’s social media and would like to set up a peer-to-peer request as technical assistance (TA) to learn more about their campaign, please see below.
For organizations directly funded by CDC:
- Check with your CDC Project Officer about your TA need.
- Submit a CBA tracking systems (CTS) request. You can access CTS here.
- Request peer-to-peer TA with the program you wish to meet.
For organizations not directly funded by CDC:
- Contact your CDC-funded health department to submit a CTS request.
- Ask to request peer-to-peer TA with the program you wish to meet.