Toolkit for Technology-Based Partner Services

Toolkit for Technology-Based Partner Services

The toolkit serves as a general resource for health departments, community-based organizations, and others on how to use the internet and other technologies to trace and contact persons potentially exposed to STIs including HIV.

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The National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center

The National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center

The National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center provides educational programs, resources, and consultation to health care organizations with the goal of optimizing quality, cost-effective health care for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, and all sexual and gender minority (LGBTQIA+) people.

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MSM Sexual Health Standards of Care

MSM Sexual Health Standards of Care 2017

NCSD and NASTAD convened a Blue Ribbon Panel of experts from academia, city and state health departments, the CDC, and the NNPTC to develop optimal standards of client-focused clinical care for gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM). These standards illustrate the highest quality of sexual health care for MSM, expanding beyond federal guidelines to incorporate the collective experience of experts in the field of sexual health.

Gay and Lesbian Medical Association – Cultural Competence Webinar Series

Gay and Lesbian Medical Association – Cultural Competence Webinar Series

This cultural competence webinar series explores the health concerns and healthcare of LGBT people and is open to anyone. The series virtually follows the experience of LGBT people and those of us who care for them to better understand how we can create healthcare environments that are welcoming and can help minimize the existing disparities experienced by this population. 

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Collecting Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Information

Collecting Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Information

Collecting SO/GI data in electronic health records (EHRs) is essential to providing high-quality, patient-centered care. CDC compiles frequently asked questions and other resources to support health care providers and facilities in collecting this information.

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Barriers and Facilitators to Retaining and Reengaging HIV Clients in Care

Barriers and Facilitators to Retaining and Reengaging HIV Clients in Care

Retention in HIV care is critical to decrease disease-related mortality and morbidity and achieve national benchmarks. However, a myriad of barriers and facilitators impact retention in care. To elucidate the unique factors that impact consistent HIV care engagement, a qualitative case study was conducted in North Carolina to examine the barriers and facilitators to retaining and re-engaging HIV clients in care.

Setting and Maintaining Professional Boundaries

Setting and Maintaining Professional Boundaries

Strategies to help you set and maintain appropriate professional boundaries, as these decisions affect not only your own well-being but also that of your clients, colleagues, and loved ones.

National Association of Social Workers

Social Network Strategy for HIV Testing Recruitment

Social Network Strategy for HIV Testing Recruitment

Social Network Strategy (SNS) is an evidence-supported approach to engage and motivate a person to accept HIV testing. This approach is based on the underlying principle that persons within the same social network who know, trust, and can exert influence on each other share similar behaviors that make them vulnerable to HIV. SNS is particularly useful to recruit marginalized and/or hidden persons at risk for HIV.

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IAS-USA—Continuing Medical Education

IAS-USA—Continuing Medical Education

These advanced-level courses present balanced, timely, scientifically rigorous, and clinically relevant information about HIV and other viral diseases. The activities are designed for physicians who are actively involved in viral disease management.

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