STD/HIV Partner Services Interview Demonstration

This video provides an example of a mock partner services interview with a syphilis client. HIV prevention is also addressed extensively during the interview.

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Partner Services

CDC Train’s Passport to Partner Services online modules are for providers who conduct all aspects of Partner Services (PS), and they are designed for PS professionals of all experience levels.

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Integrating PrEP into Partner Services

CDC Train’s Integrating PrEP into Partner Services course is designed to give Disease Intervention Specialists (DIS) the tools they need to offer HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to their clients by reviewing what PrEP is, how it differs from post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) and how to assess whether a patient is eligible.

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Recommendations for Partner Services Programs for HIV Infection, Syphilis, Gonorrhea and Chlamydial Infection

Recommendations for Partner Services Programs for HIV Infection, Syphilis, Gonorrhea and Chlamydial Infection

Quick reference guide for the MMWR Recommendations & Reports, Recommendations for Partner Services Programs for HIV Infection, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, and Chlamydial Infection

A quick reference resource, it only lists the recommendations and data security guidelines included in the MMWR. The document is available in its entirety at

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Toolkit for Technology-Based Partner Services

Toolkit for Technology-Based Partner Services

The toolkit serves as a general resource for health departments, community-based organizations, and others on how to use the internet and other technologies to trace and contact persons potentially exposed to STIs including HIV.

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Disease Intervention Specialist Summit

Disease Intervention Specialist Summit

In September 2020, Disease Intervention Specialists (DIS) across the United States gathered for a virtual summit to address the expanding roles of DIS. Hosted by the CAPTC in collaboration with the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Office of AIDS (OA) and the Sexually Transmitted Diseases Control Branch (STDCB).

The summit touched upon an expansive range of subjects, including motivational interviewing techniques and medical mistrust in DIS work. View videos and download resources. 

Introduction to Field Safety for DIS

CDC Train’s Introduction to Field Safety for DIS module will introduce partner services providers (i.e., DIS) to the basic principles and best practices for safely conducting field visits.

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Syphilis and HIV Linkage to Care and Partner Services Interview

Syphilis and HIV Linkage to Care and Partner Services Interview

Video example of a disease intervention interview linking a person co-infected with syphilis and HIV to care, and providing partner services.

Linkage to Care Interview

Linkage to Care Interview

Example of a disease intervention interview linking a person newly diagnosed with HIV to care, conducted by telephone. 

Understanding Boundaries

On hold due to COVID-19. Will resume as soon as it is safe to do so.

Personal and professional boundaries are an integral part of any provider-client relationship. This is particularly true for those in the medical and social service delivery fields. Boundaries represent invisible structures imposed by legal, ethical, and/or professional standards. The ability to set and maintain boundaries is critical to ensure effective and successful interactions with clients as well as colleagues.

This training explores the importance of personal and professional boundaries. We look at the ways in which maintaining good boundaries improves client relationships and builds self-sufficiency. We define what constitutes personal versus professional, and legal versus ethical boundaries. Through didactic learning and experiential exercises, participants work to identify the most appropriate actions in situations that may arise when working with clients or colleagues.

This training is appropriate for any organization that has experienced challenges with boundaries or would like to proactively develop a boundary-aware culture.

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