DIS Summit 2023
June 5, 7 & 9
DIS the Cornerstone of Public Health:
Then, Now, and into the Future

The California Prevention Training Center (CAPTC), in collaboration with the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Office of AIDS (OA) and the STD Control Branch (STDCB) is excited to present the 2nd official Disease Intervention Specialist (DIS) Summit to address the foundational role that DIS have played and continue to play in Public Health.
Attendance is strongly recommended for Disease Intervention Workforce funded local health jurisdictions. All DIS staff would benefit from attending this summit in order to support consistency in training and capacity building.
DIS the Cornerstone of Public Health: Then, Now, and into the Future
DIS Summit Day 1
Day 1 Agenda | Speakers |
Welcome Greeting from CAPTC Director Dana Cropper | Dana Cropper, MPA, MHR CAPTC Director |
Introduction and Setting the Context Summit welcome from HIV Prevention Branch Chief, Jesse Peck | Jesse Peck HIV Prevention Branch Chief |
The Recognition of Public Health and DIS Through the Ages – STI/HIV, COVID, Mpox Keynote: How our recent pandemic reintroduced the US to public health and DIS efforts | Dr. Erica Pan State Epidemiologist Deputy Director, Center for Infectious Diseases |
HIV and Disease Intervention HIV and the intersection of co-occurring infection; the implications for disease prevention | Dr. Stan Phillip Chief Program Development and Implementation Branch – DHP |
National and State Perspectives on STIs STI updates related to Partner Services | Dr. Leandro Mena Director, DSTDP, CDC Dr. Eric Tang, Med Officer STDCB |
Integration, Wrap-up & Adjourn Group discussion on the integration of Day 1 information. Q&A and evaluations. | Tim Vincent, MS Senior CBA Specialist Linda DeSantis, MEd Program Manager UCSF-CAPTC |
DIS Summit Day 2 Part 1
Day 2 Part 1 Agenda | Speakers |
Welcome to Day 2 Review Day 2 agenda and address questions | Linda DeSantis, MEd Program Manager UCSF-CAPTC Jen Jackson, MS Senior DIS Specialist, CAPTC |
Dismantling Stigma & Reducing Health Inequities Discussion of racial equity programs to advance health equity | Raniyah Copeland Founder, Equity Impact Solutions |
DIS Summit Day 2 Part 2
Day 2 Part 2 Agenda | Speakers |
Biomedical Approaches Panel to discuss the importance of biomedical approaches, such as injectable PrEP, PEP, and Doxy PEP on disease intervention and partner services. | Dr. Oliver Bacon Medical Director, San Francisco City Clinic Dr. Phil Peters Medical Officer Office of AIDS, California Department of Pubic Health Montica Levy Biomedical Prevention Coordinator, San Francisco City Clinic |
Questions, Wrap-up and Adjourn Review of Day 2 presentations, respond to questions | Linda DeSantis, MEd Program Manager UCSF-CAPTC Jen Jackson, MS Senior DIS Specialist, CAPTC |
DIS Summit Day 3
Welcome to Day 3 Review Day 3 agenda, respond to questions | Wanda Jackson DISTC Trainer/TA Specialist CAPTC Linda DeSantis, MEd Program Manager UCSF-CAPTC |
State STI/HIV/HCV Program Integration Integration Plan | LeRoy Blea, MPH Ending the Epidemic Manager, UCSF Health Alliance and CDPH OA |
Future of Partner Services and the Future of DI data California State presentation on the future direction of partner services and future of disease intervention data. | Brett AugsJoost, MPH Outbreak and Field Investigation Unit Chief, CDPH Office of AIDS Abel Martinez Deputy Section Chief STD Control Branch Casey Triggs STD/HIV DI Mentorship and Outbreak Response Coordinator, CDPH Rilene Ng, MPH, DrPH DIS Epidemiology Unit Chief, STD Control Branch, California Department of Public Health |
Stories from the Field Hear DIS share their stories of challenging situations in the field. | Rafael Reyes Associate Health Program Advisor, California State Department of Public Health – STD Control Branch Hou Vang Communicable Disease Specialist, Fresno County Department of Public Health STD/HIV Program Miranda Patrick Sr. Public Health Nurse – HIV Prevention and Surveillance Coordinator, Sonoma County |
Burn Out and Self Care Self-care and ways of avoiding/addressing burnout | Sam Shapiro Leadership Coach for Humans on a Mission, Sam Shapiro Coaching |
Wrap-up, Evaluation and Adjourn Discuss topic areas presented and the potential need for training or TA or other topics desired for improved partner services | Wanda Jackson DISTC Trainer/TA Specialist CAPTC Linda DeSantis, MEd Program Manager UCSF-CAPTC |
Courses that Support DIS Work
Field Safety courses, Cultural Humility, Working with MSM, Working with People Who Use Drugs, Supervision of DIS and Front Line Staff, Interviewing, Visual Case Analysis, and other topics
To reach out about training opportunities, contact captc@ucsf.edu
Online Courses
Developed to support DIS work. Registration required.
Check out materials from the 2020 DIS Summit here.