CDC HPV Information for Providers, Patients and the Public

CDC HPV Information for Providers, Patients and the Public

Find tips and resources for your practice to successfully communicate with parents about HPV vaccination.

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Adolescents, Technology and Reducing Risk for HIV, STDs and Pregnancy

Adolescents, Technology and Reducing Risk for HIV, STDs and Pregnancy

This white paper is intended for practitioners and others who work with adolescents and provides an overview about the ways in which digital technology can be used to improve the sexual health of adolescents.

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Minors’ Consent Laws for HIV and STD Services

Minors’ Consent Laws for HIV and STD Services

Provides reference information (not legal advice or interpretations of the laws) for use by practitioners in providing clinical care to minors in each state.

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Sharon Adler, MD, MPH

Clinical Program Faculty

Dr. Sharon Adler, MPH, is clinical faculty at the California Prevention Training Center and is Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), in the department of Family and Community Medicine. Dr. Adler has worked in the STD field for 20 years including 10 years of work at the California Department of Public Health STD Control Branch. She is board-certified in Preventive Medicine/Public Health and has clinical experience working in community health and public health clinics in the San Francisco Bay Area as well as at the San Francisco STD City Clinic. In her current position, Dr. Adler develops curricula, conducts and coordinates STD trainings. 


HIV Guideline Slides and Pocket Guides

HIV Guideline Slides and Pocket Guides

This website offers a variety of pocket guides with guidelines, key points, and checklists for topics such as HIV Testing & Acute HIV, Antiretroviral Therapy, Primary HIV Care, PrEP to Prevent HIV & Promote Sexual Health, Hepatitis Care, and STI Care.

GOALS Framework for Sexual History Taking in Primary Care – Pocket Guide

GOALS Framework for Sexual History Taking in Primary Care – Pocket Guide

The GOALS framework for sexual history taking is designed to streamline sexual history conversations and elicit information most useful for identifying an appropriate clinical course of action.


ACOG Adolescent Visit Questionnaire

ACOG Adolescent Visit Questionnaire

This is an example of a questionnaire template that can be used to provide adolescents an opportunity to self-report about their health and risks.

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No Phone Zone

No Phone Zone

Display this sign in your clinic to explain that usage of phones in the exam room is not allowed.


Parent/Guardian Alone Time Policy Letter Examples

Parent/Guardian Alone Time Policy Letter Examples

This document contains various examples of customizable parent letters that can be used to explain your practice’s adolescent alone time policy.

Provider Script for Adolescent Alone Time

Provider Script for Adolescent Alone Time

This document contains examples of language or phrases that can be used to explain the need for alone time with adolescent patients to parents.